This changes everything.
What choices do you have?
What are your rights?
What is expected of you?
Discovering your girlfriend or partner is facing an unexpected pregnancy can create many questions and fears. Pregnancy is not just a women’s health issue.
Understanding your role and responsibility is critical. That’s why we have male mentors and programs designed specifically to help you understand your choices and next steps.
Over 60 percent of women cite the father of the baby as the most influential person in their pregnancy decision.
We're here for you too!
Male Mentors
She's pregnant. You're overwhelmed.
Let us help you sort out your feelings and give you information to help you as you enter this new journey.
Are you a new or soon-to-be dad and don't feel ready?
We want to help you gain some skills. We can give you tips and tricks on diapering, bathing, and feeding.
We have parents with hands on experience who can help give you the confidence you need.​
My daughter is pregnant?
She needs you now more than ever.
You may be having a lot of mixed feelings – anger, fear, anxiety.
She needs to hear, "We will get through this together".
My friend is pregnant?
You want to help and your friend needs your support.
It doesn’t mean telling her what to do,
it means helping her get the information to make the best choice for her.
If you just need someone to talk to and need to get some information and support – We're here for you.